Proclaiming God's Word To The Nations
Internet Intercessors... Praying for the World.

Spring 1998

We are called to PRAY for the Church around the world...

Thank you for your willingness to pray! The Lord has great things in store for you. If you are serious about becoming an intercessor, we would like to help you. Our desire is to train and mobilize the Body of Christ to do great things in His name! We have felt for some time that God is calling us to link together and mobilize prayer warriors from all over the world. On a regular basis, we plan to highlight different ministries, regions of the world, and global issues that need prayer. This is a page that we plan to expand often. We will be adding more topics in the future, so please check back with us regularly to receive new prayer updates. We also plan to add additional teachings on prayer for all those who are serious about this aspect of ministry. If you would like to partner with us in this ministry, or are praying for God to use you in a greater depth, we pray that you will consider joining us.

Why Should I Pray?

Ministries in Spotlight: The Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home

The Persecuted Church: Cuba

Christ Unlimited Prayer Requests


Why Should I Pray?

"My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations" (Mark 11:17).

Did you know that your prayers are precious to God? It says in Revelation that they are like a fragrant incense before His throne (Revelation 5:8 and 8:3). Every Christian is called to be a prayer warrior. As Christians, we are God's house--His holy temple. God expects us to fill His temple--our bodies--with prayer for the nations of this world. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are admonished to "Pray without ceasing." Prayer not only blesses us and those we are praying for, but it also blesses the heart of God. As Christians, bringing joy to God should be our primary aim, and our very purpose for living.

Prayer is a privilege. Today, because Jesus Christ, the Son of God was willing to lay down his life for us, we have the privilege of entering into the very presence of God. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

There are many different kinds of prayer. This page is designed for those who would like to enter into a new realm of their prayer life by praying and interceding for others. Intercession means to plead or pray in behalf of another person or nation. Intercession can stop or postpone God's judgement. God's judgement is established in His Word. Sin has a penalty and if man does not repent, sin will reap destruction. Intercession is the heart of God himself, crying out for mercy through us, His people. We are to pray that men will repent and come to Jesus. God has given us the privilege of helping to shape the destinies of those around us for good. He wants all of His people to be involved in this important ministry. It is, perhaps, the ministry dearest to His heart. It is also a ministry that few people engage in with fervency.

Too often, the Lord has looked for intercessors on the earth, and found none! Yet at this time, the Lord is sending a mighty wave of intercession upon His people. There are many, many prayer groups and prayer warriors whom He has raised up in these last days. Hidden behind the scenes, these people are having a greater effect on the world around us, than Presidents or statesmen are. Would you like to be one of them? If you are unable to go into a foreign mission field right now, or devote yourself to full-time ministry, you can be just as strategic to the cause of Christ by giving sacrificially of your time, finances and prayers. YOU are needed to fulfill the role that you have been designated from the beginning of time to play.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

According to James 2:22, our faith in God is made complete by what we do. Ask God to make you an intercessor. Ask Him to cleanse and purify your heart and fill you with His Spirit that you might pray according to His will. Ask Him to show you the things on His heart. God can do through you what He did through Isaiah, Elijah or any other great man or woman of God. These people were mere men, just like us. The main difference between them and many of us, is that they really knew God. They were fully committed to Him. Nothing else was even remotely important to them. They loved God more than their own lives, and were willing to pay any price to KNOW Him. God only reveals His heart to those He is intimate with. He longs for an intimate relationship with each one of us.

We all may have a different part to play, but each one of us is needed in this battle for souls. Prayer is and always has been the humblest and most powerful tool available to us. Prayer will bind the church together in unity, move us forward into maturity, repel the kingdom of darkness, and establish the kingdom of light. This blessed ministry is available to every Christian. Please take some time this month to intercede for the needs of those we are spotlighting.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16

P.S. If you would like to learn more about powerful intercessory prayer, our newest book in the CHAPEL BOOKSTORE is Possessing The Gates Of the Enemy, by Cindy Jacobs.

Ministries in Spotlight

The Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home

Narsapur India

Orphanages in India are a fairly common sight. They are both a blessing to the people of India, as well as a chilling reminder of the broken lives that dwell in an environment that many would choose to ignore. By the year 2020, India will be the most populous country in the world, with nearly 1.3 billion people. Only 4% of India's population is Christian with Hinduism the predominate religion. Poverty is rampant, and illiteracy claims almost half the population.¹ Many are held prisoner by the caste system, (even though it has officially been abolished) and live their lives with little hope. Yet, in Narsapur (in the southeast region of India), there is an exceptional work of God that is blooming in the lives of almost 300 orphans. It is called the Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home.

This ministry traces it's humble beginnings to 1972, when Mr. and Mrs. B. Azariah founded a home to rescue unprotected, homeless, and helpless children from the streets of India. What began as a "small" home with 49 precious children, has today been enlarged to a ministry that houses, feeds, and educates 275 children--and in the interim has seen many hundreds of children pass through its doors to a better life.

More than anything, the Azariahs, who are native to India, are dedicated to manifesting the love of Jesus to the most destitute and forgotten of their society. "Guiding and guarding so many children for so many years is not an easy task," says Mr. Azariah. "It needs total dedication and pristine desire to serve...We thank God for choosing us as instruments for serving humanity in distress and providing the power of endurance to carry out the task."

In addition to the Children's Home, they also spend much of their efforts in evangelizing the masses of people around them. The children are a great help to them in this effort, with their gospel songs and short testimonies. Many souls have come into the knowledge of salvation though their efforts.

The Azariahs do not finance the Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home with a large budget--rather, they must trust God every day to supply their needs. As Mr. Azariah says "We seeded this ministry against all odds. Not because we were financially fine, but because the desire to serve and build the lives of so many distressed children had overtaken every other thing." The ministry began in faith and continues in faith to this day. It is not funded by any particular denomination or umbrella of ministry, but is financed by donations given from concerned people all over the world.

At this time, the Azariahs are believing God for the finances to do some major expansion. They have just celebrated the 25th anniversary of the ministry and desire to open a well-equipped hospital for those who are unable to afford medication anywhere else. Current statistics indicate that there are over 600 million² people in India who live in utter poverty. Medical aid is out of the question for most of them. The average life expectancy in India is only 40 years of age. The child mortality rate is very high as well.

The Azariahs also desire to equip their schools with a computer system complete with Internet access. Currently, the children are using typewriters. If you know a place where we might be able to obtain some older computers either free or inexpensively, please let us know. To equip the Jehovah Shammah Children's Home with computers would provide a much better education and training for these children so when they leave the home they will be able to find good jobs.

We have been praying for over a year for the Lord to make a way for us to get computers to these students. Please agree with us that this will become a reality this year. We either need the money to give them so they can purchase the computers themselves, or else the equipment and shipping fees donated to us, so we can send them to India.

We at Christ Unlimited have been honored to know the Azariahs personally and have seen first-hand their humility and faithfulness. A trip to India a number of years ago was a great blessing to us. They have been both dear friends and an inspiration to us for over twenty-five years. One of our heart's desires is to contribute some major finances into both of the above-mentioned projects.

Please pray:

PRAY that God will supply all the necessary funds and workers for the ministry to fulfill the vision given to them by God. Specifically pray that the funds for the hospital will be provided.

PRAY that their current typewriter system will soon be upgraded to computer.

PRAY for physical and emotional strength, health, and protection for not only the Azariahs, but all who work in the ministry with them (This includes their son and daughter-in-law).

PRAY for the anointing and wisdom of God, as they reach out to India with the gospel of Christ. Pray for an abundant harvest of souls from the surrounding villages.

PRAY for blessing and protection over the children. Pray that God will raise them up to be mighty men and women of God and that they will be receptive to the Holy Spirit. Pray for God's perfect will in each of their lives.

PRAY for God to water the land with His Spirit, creating a people who are ready for revival.

PRAY in the name of Jesus against every force of darkness that Satan has assigned against this ministry.

PRAY this ministry will have favor with all they come into contact with--with God and each other, as well as the communities and government of India, and the rest of the world.

Thank you for praying! May God multiply your prayers back to you! If you are interested in sowing financially into this ministry or you desire to receive more information, you may contact them at:

Mr. and Mrs. B. Azariah
Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home
2-2-75 Bromley Compound
Narsapur 534 275


You may also send funds to Christ Unlimited, designated for the Jehovah-Shammah Children's Home, and we will pass every cent along to the Azariahs.


1 Johnstone, Patrick. Operation World (Zondervan Publishing House, 1993), p. 274

2 Ibid.




"Millions of American Christians pray in their churches every week, oblivious to the fact that Christians in many parts of the world suffer brutal torture, arrest, imprisonment, and even death--their home and communities laid waste--for no other reason than they are Christians. The shocking untold story of our time is that more Christians have died in this century simply for being Christians, than in the previous 19 centuries combined. They have been persecuted before and martyred before an unknowing, indifferent world and a largely silent Christian community." Nina Shea, Freedom House

"There should be no division in the body, but the parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it" (1 Corinthians 12:25-26).

This prayer focus spotlight will be continually dedicated to the two hundred million Christians in over 60 countries worldwide who live in daily fear of secret police, vigilantes, or state repression and discrimination. More Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries combined! Please keep the persecuted church in your prayers on a daily basis. As the Body of Christ, we are called to pray for and uphold each other, regardless of denominational, doctrinal, or national differences. If you would like to know other ways you can be involved in helping the persecuted church, click here.

Prayer Focus this month: CUBA

With the Pope's recent historic visit to the tiny nation of Cuba in January, it is now more important than ever to keep this nation in our prayers.

The issue of human rights abuse in Cuba is not new information to the world. At this moment there are hundreds of political prisoners, many of them Christians, who are sitting in dark, isolated jail cells. Cuba has held more political prisoners for longer periods of time than any other country in the western hemisphere.¹ There have been many thousands more "done away with" by the Cuban government. Christians often meet in fear, in small house churches, under the ever-watchful eye of the government. Currently, churches cannot run schools or use television, radio, or other mass media. Missionary activity is forbidden, and the distribution of religious materials is tightly controlled.

Despite these odds, the church continues to grow in Cuba. There are several hundred thousand Catholics, and the number of Protestants is estimated between two hundred thousand to one million. (Accurate statistics are nearly impossible to obtain, since there are so many "secret" house churches among the Protestants.) We are praying that despite his nearly 40 years of atheist rule, Fidel Castro will soften his heart to God. He recently held a meeting with the island's non-Catholic leaders, and asked for their prayers and continued effort to help Cuba solve its economic problems. Some suspect the government's motives, while others feel that God has touched Castro's heart. Regardless, let us pray that God will make a way for revival in Cuba.

Now is a very important time in this nation. Let us keep it uplifted in prayer.

Please Pray:

PRAY for Fidel Castro and all who are in positions of leadership in the nation of Cuba. Pray that they will soften their hearts to God's goodness. Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw them to Jesus Christ, and convict them of their sin.

PRAY that every design that the enemy has meant for the destruction of the church in Cuba will work instead for the good of the church.

PRAY that all true Believers in Christ, whether Catholic or Protestant, will find favor with those in authority and in their society. Pray for their protection, and that all their needs will be met. Many pastors are living lives of great sacrifice for the sake of the gospel.

PRAY for the immediate release of all who are imprisoned for their religious beliefs.

PRAY for unity among the Believers. Specifically, pray that the Pope's visit will not serve as a divisive factor among Protestants and Catholics. Pray that the true Church in Cuba will be a demonstration of unity to the entire world.

PRAY that God will raise up apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists in the nation of Cuba who will speak his word boldly and with great anointing. Pray that signs and wonders will follow the believers.

PRAY for revival in Cuba!



1 Marshall, Paul. Their Blood Cries Out (Dallas, Word Publishing, 1997), Page 90


Other Information

For more information about the persecuted church, we recommend "Their Blood Cries Out" by Dr. Paul Marshall, one of the world's leading authorities on religious persecution. Published in 1997, this book is full of up-to-date information and many personal testimonies of those who live in areas of persecution all over the world. The author not only reports what the media has not reported, but he also looks deeper into the issues of persecution of Christians in general. He offers answers as to why it is being ignored by the media and academia, as well as much of the Western church. This book is a great tool; not only for intercessors, but also for those who are interested in cross-cultural ministry and evangelism. Perhaps one of the greatest triumphs of this book is that it effectively destroys the popular myth that most Christians are "Western, white and male." More Christians attend church in China and the Philippines, respectively, than do in the entirety of Western Europe. Smashing stereotypes and misconceptions right and left, this book is extremely well-written and broad in its scope. Dr. Marshall writes with skill and balance between cold facts and heart-wrenching passion.

If you would like to order this book, it is available in our CHAPEL BOOKSTORE.

If you would like more involvement in helping the persecuted church, please contact OPEN DOORS. It is a large international, evangelical organization formed to help suffering Christians throughout the world. They distribute free Bibles and Christian literature in restricted countries, and publish a monthly newsletter and prayer calendar for the persecuted church. We highly recommend this ministry.

Open Doors with Brother Andrew
U.S. Office: P.O. Box 27000
                    Santa Ana, CA 92799
Phone: 714-531-6000


Christ Unlimited's Prayer Requests

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for praying for us. We plan to update this list as we have need, and also give the praise reports when our prayers have been answered. The needs of CHRIST UNLIMITED at this time are:

PRAY that this site will continue to be a blessing to multitudes all over the world. Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw many people who are seeking God.

PRAY that God will give us wisdom in developing this website. We are in the process of beginning to expand the Chapel Bookstore, as well as put up our Bible study, The Overcoming Life Series online and available for download. Pray that all of this will go smoothly.

PRAY for the protection and health of all who are involved in Christ Unlimited. We have been going through some severe spiritual battles in the last few years. We realize this is due to the nature of the ministry that God has called us to; however, we need your support in standing against the demonic powers that have sought to destroy this ministry.

PRAY that we can catch up on the backlog of office work and mail. Due to lack of help, and an increased outreach, we have fallen behind in recent years. Pray that w will have time to organize our office and computer files.

PRAY for a major financial breakthrough for our ministry. We have a great deal of literature that still needs to be converted and formatted for use on the website. We want to offer all of this literature online but it takes an enormous amount of time to do this and we are already stretched in what we are currently doing. Please pray that we will have the finances needed to hire a part-time computer technician. Our desire is to develop this site faster and more efficiently, as well as continue to improve it's overall quality. We realize that money is so often an unpopular subject--yet the truth is, we all need it to survive. Almost all of the work on our site so far, has been donated by those who were kind enough to offer their talents for the glory of God. Other financial needs we have include:

-consistent monthly support for our basic and everyday needs

-elimination of our printing bill of $7,000.00

-construction of a small chapel on our property

-painting and repairing of our headquarters

-funding for our literature distribution ministry

At this time we have several hundred unfulfilled requests for Bibles (mostly in Africa). In addition to Bibles, we also send free books from our Bible Study, the Overcoming Life Series, to prisons and ministries all over the world through our scholarship program. Thank you for your prayers! May God richly bless you!

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Christ Unlimited Ministries
Ministry Directors: R. S. "Bud" & Betty Miller
P.O. Box 850
Dewey, AZ 86327, USA
(928) 632-8005

Contact Us