Archived Personal Messages From The Millers
Founders of Christ Unlimited Ministries
Personal Message
Christmas Greetings from the Bud and Betty Miller
New BibleResources.org Site Upgrade Update
Dear Internet Friends:
Bud and I want to wish you each a blessed Christmas. We are truly
grateful that the Lord has called us to this Internet ministry.
Although it has been a challenge and we have faced many problems over the
years, serving God and His people through this medium, has been one of the
biggest blessings in our lives. It is so rewarding to hear the feedback
from people all over the world who have testified how the Holy Spirit has
touched them through something they found on the BibleResources.org site. We praise
God for all that He is doing in the many lives from every country in the
BibleResources.org Milestone -- Newly Upgraded
We have just hit a milestone in the life of
BibleResources.org, as you heard in our last newsletter. We just launched the newly
upgraded version of the site, which our daughter, Stacy Fornara, was
highly instrumental in helping us get this done after almost a year's hard
work on everyone's part. As with any move there were problems.
We just did not know how many problems we would have to face over this
past month. It was like the devil unleashed his demon spirits to
prevent this site from going up and then he tried to crash it. At
the first of the launch, we encountered so many functionality problems
that it was almost over-whelming. This was due to some faulty programming
which was not discovered until we lit up the new site. Things have
settled down now, but we are still correcting things at the present.
We Need Your Prayers
We are sharing this with you and our
Internet friends, who are users, and asking that you would pray for us at
this time. We also want to ask you be patient with us if you have run into
any site problems, as we are working diligently to get them resolved. We
do apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced. Please
help us if you run into any programming or technical difficulties by
reporting those to us. Also, any other errors that you may find, as
we desire this site to be one of excellence. We would also appreciate your
comments on the site, as well. We could all use some encouragement
at this point. Click
here with your FEEDBACK.
Many New Features on the Site
We are listing all the wonderful new
features below that are now available on the site and we invite you to
browse around and visit the new Community Section that has Christian News
and the new section for Kids with interactive features and some
great videos furnished by Veggie Tales and ZonderKidz.
Old and the New
You can still find all the old features
(although some of them have been moved to a different section). We
are reading your feedback and trying to accommodate our users with the
things they need to help them in their study and reading of the Bible. Our
desire is to furnish all the things about the Bible that will help you
grow in God and have a closer relationship with Him. The Prayer
Room, Bible Answers and Devotionals are there for this purpose.
Thank you for Your Support
We want to thank each of you for your love,
prayers and support. We could not do this without your help. We need
your support at this time. If you use BibleResources.org on a regular basis, please
ask the Lord about supporting us on a regular basis. If you cannot give
financially, please pray for us, and take our needs before your prayer
group, as we need people praying for us. Through prayer, the Lord will
touch the hearts of those who are to be involved in this work that reaches
the entire world. The blessings we experience, will also be yours, as we
labor together to get the gospel out to the world. Thank you so
much. We are offering you a choice of two special gifts for those who
donate this month. Click
here to GIVE TO BibleResources.org.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
WHAT'S NEW AT BibleResources.org?
Great New Children's Corner at BibleResources.org
BibleResources.org now features a world class children's corner with interactive
games, video, and audio as a platform for Bible learning and knowledge.
This section is highlighted by content provided by partners, such as
Veggie Tales, a values-based animated children's video series produced by
Tennessee-based Big Idea; as well as, ZonderKidz, the children's group of
Zondervan Publishing that focuses on ages 15 and under demographic.
Additional Bible Resources
Other leading Christian organizations are also contributing to the new
BibleResources.org Web site. International Bible Society (IBS) has successfully
translated, published, and digitized Scripture in multiple translations
and languages, and is lending support to Bible distribution, including
granting BibleResources.org with an online license to the New International Version
(NIV) in all of its lingual formats.
Another partner, Christian Booksellers Association (CBA), is strategically
promoting retail exposure of BibleResources.org throughout Christian bookstores
nationwide, as well as, ensuring that offline promotion of the Bible is
coordinated with online efforts. Other BibleResources.org partners include Tyndale
House Publishers, NavPress, and Broadman & Holman Publishers.
An Online Christian Community
Our new online Christian Community will have daily Christian news and
articles, Interactive games, video, and audio which all have been compiled
to engage kids, adults, families, and diverse peoples and cultures on the
values that prevail within the Christian heritage of the Bible. There is
also a section for configuring Interactive Prayer Postcards via U.S. mail.
Old Favorites With a New Look
Other areas of the Site that have become favorites that now have a new
look are: The Daily Bible Reading Plan (KJV-NIV-AMP-Spanish), Prayer Room,
Daily Devotional Calendar, Bible Passage Lookup, and the very popular
Bible Answers section.
We Invite You To Visit the New BibleResources.org
We think you will be excited as we are about the new site. Please come in
and browse around and let us know what you think. In the BibleResources.org
Ministry section you will find our Guest Book. Please send us your
comments. Although we have tested thoroughly, you may still find some
things that need fixing. We would appreciate you helping us locate these
and have provided a Feedback form on the "Contact Us" page so you can send
us any errors you may find.
We have now programmed a "Testimony of the Day" section on the home
page, in the lower left hand corner. If you would like to hear what
people are saying about how BibleResources.org has impacted them, scroll down and
read a different testimony every day. Here is just one of
Taken from our Guest book from a brother from
Washington, USA
COMMENTS: I was separated from my wife over the summer. It was probably
the first time in my life I ever needed to reach out in real faith and
completely turn my life over to Christ. I was raised a Christian, but this
summer taught me to live it. I want to let you know how deeply I was
blessed by Mrs. Miller's daily devotionals from Proverbs. When I began
praying for my marriage, the Lord clearly told me that He would restore
it, but "son, you have to change your ways." And the daily focus provided
by the studies has helped re-form my thinking, attitudes, and really
prepared me to be the kind of husband I need to be. I am delighted to say
that the Lord has answered my prayers. My wife has returned. Mostly
because she saw Him moving in my life. May the Lord bless your ministry.
Mrs. Miller, He has clearly given you an incredible heart to understand
Him. And that truth has seeped into my heart and mind. Thank you so much
for your past and continued efforts in teaching real discipleship and
transforming lives through Jesus.
REFERRAL: Needed to read the Bible one day at my office and typed in
BibleResources.org to see what came up.
Click here to read the
Christmas is now being celebrated around the world and is one of our main
national holidays here in the U.S.A. A good question to ask is "Are we as
Christians celebrating it the way the Lord would have us celebrate, or
have we compromised with the world?" Have we lost the emphasis on
celebrating the Lord Jesus' birth and shifted it to a gluttonous feast of
food, drink and materialism like those in the world have done? To
read about the origin of Christmas customs and unholy Christmas traditions
......Click here
for more
Christmas Giving
By Walter E. Isenhour
As you think of giving presents
To your friends on Christmas Day,
Dont forget the poor and needy
That you meet along lifes way.
Give them something that is helpful,
That will tell them of your love,
For such giving pleases Jesus
As He watches from above.
If you cannot give abundance,
Give a little in His name;
For a little given rightly,
With His blessings on the same,
May be bread upon the waters
You will find again sometime
Multiplied to loaves of blessing
That are wondrous and sublime.
Give and help to spread the Gospel
On the mission fields of Earth
Where the natives by the millions
Have not heard of Jesus birth.
Give to causes that are worthy
Of your money with a prayer;
Give and help to share the burdens
That so many people bear.
Let the Christmas thought of giving
Go with you throughout the year,
Then your life will be a blessing
And youll have the thrill of cheer;
For in making others happy,
You will get a great supply,
As our Lord who reigns in heaven
Will then bless you from on high.
You can help spread the
gospel over the Internet by making us your Cyberspace Missionaries.
Click here to Give
to BibleResources.org Ministries
BibleResources.org MINISTRY BOOKSTORE:
Your purchases will bless your family and friends and also help our
"Give the gift of resources for changing lives
that lasts beyond the Christmas season."
CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Please visit our
Christian Marketplace as we have added considerably to our bookstore
inventory. You will find many new Bibles, Books and gifts that will bless
your friends and family this Christmas.
Click here to visit the
BibleResources.org Ministries - P.O. Box 850 - Dewey, AZ 86327, USA
(928) 632-8005
Personal Message from Bud and Betty Miller:
Dear Internet Friends:
We join with Christians around the world in celebrating the Resurrection of
our Lord Jesus Christ this Easter Sunday. This is a celebration of life, as
Jesus was resurrected from the dead after His crucifixion on the cross. The very
timing of this event coming in the Spring, expresses the message of life. Even
in nature we begin to see the grass, flowers and trees displaying their internal
life coming forth after the long dearth of winter.
Any nation that embraces the biblical principles of Christianity will always
produce a culture of life within it, while nations who reject the Bible will
come under a culture of death.
God's children all receive eternal life because Jesus gave His life as a
sacrifice so that we could become sons and daughters of God. The Resurrection of
Jesus assures us that we will also live eternally and will also experience the
resurrection of our bodies at the second coming of the Lord. There is a
difference between someone being raised from the dead (as in the account of
Lazarus In John 11) and the Resurrection. There are a number of accounts
of people being raised from the dead in the Bible; however, these people all
died again at another point in time. Resurrection is an eternal state and
Jesus was the first to experience it when He rose from the dead and conquered
death once and for all. Jesus received His glorified body after His death,
burial and resurrection. All Christian saints who die on this earth, who believe
and accept the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ, will also be resurrected
at the second coming of Christ to this earth.
John 11:21-27:
21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother
had not died.
22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it
23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at
the last day.
25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth
in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou
27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of
God, which should come into the world.
This is why we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, because all who
believe will one day receive their glorified bodies as well, and live with Him
throughout eternity. Praise the Lord! He is risen, He is risen, indeed!
May you and your family experience greater life in Christ as you seek Him!
We appreciate your prayers and your support. It means so much to us,
and we know the Lord appreciates it too, as it enables us to get the message of
the gospel out where ever the Internet reaches around the world.
His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller
Here is just a couple of testimonies from the
thousands we receive that we feel will bless you and bring glory to God for His
Psalm 105:1: "O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name:
make known his deeds among the people."
Hello, I don't know who to address this to, but I would like to thank you for
the page you had on suicide. I was talking to one of my friends on the instant
messenger and she started to cut her wrist and laughing at me when I mentioned
the Lord's name. She said that He had turned His back on her and she was
alone. I remained calm and prayed for an answer to give her and then I found
your page on "What Does the Bible Say About Suicide." I sent it to her and
pleaded with her to read it all and then get back to me. She read it and
came back to me fresh and sorry for the things she had said to me and about
God. She was a little shaken up, but grateful to be alive. Thank you,
Your brother in Christ, M.E.
I wanted to thank you for putting together a
website that's real and so inspirational. You have helped me from so far
away. The Lord has helped me get through some really tough times and has
blessed me so much. I am no longer depressed and I am starting to feel good
about myself; I finally feel I have a place in this world. I know that I
have a long way to go, but with your inspiration and God's love, forgiveness
and His open arms, I know that I can do it. I can't stress to you enough
how much your website has helped me. I know that this isn't much but I would
really appreciate it if you accept this small donation.
($25.00 donation included.) -From an Anonymous Donor who sent this "snail
mail."- |
We are grateful that the Lord is using the BibleResources.org site to help
so many people. It is an answer to our prayers. We, of
course, answered the letter to the one whose friend was threatening
suicide. The other we could not reply to, as we had no address.
However, we certainly accepted her donation with a grateful heart. No
donation is too small, as the Lord looks on the heart of those who
give and blesses the giver accordingly. If you have hesitated to help
us in the past because you thought perhaps your gift was too small and
would not make a difference, please reconsider, as all the small gifts
add up to help us do big things for God. We really need your
help right now. Click over to the Donation page so you can preview our
Music CD offer this month. These CDs were donated to us. Thank you so
much and may the Lord bless you back in the form of your need.
Click here to preview the CDs and to
We are offering a new music CD this month by
Brenda Harp called "The Road Home" for those who give at least $20.00 or you
can choose a different music CD or a CD Rom of the Ultimate Bible if you prefer. We
really appreciate your help.
Click here to help with a donation.
We would ask you to continue to pray for us, as
our staff and technicians are continuing to work toward an infrastructure
upgrade and major server move. This has been a long arduous project;
however, we are believing that within the next three months this will be
completed as we have hired some new people to help us, along with the others who
were involved. We feel you will be very pleased with the end results as we are
striving to make our site more user friendly. We are also preparing the
infrastructure to be able to hold the traffic load that keeps growing.
Currently we are getting over 50 million hits a month. That is a lot of activity
and we are striving to make the necessary adjustments to handle it.
Recently, our Prayer Room crashed, as it just could no longer handle all the
traffic. We are working diligently to complete the programming on the new
one and expect to get all the bugs worked out of it very soon. Please pray that all this work goes smoothly and that the Lord helps make the work go easy for all the
technicians involved.
Also, pray for Bud and me as we need wisdom to make the right decisions about
many things that are before us right now. Also, pray for our daughter, Stacy, as
she is now working with us. We all need God's strength, guidance and love in all
of our affairs. I also would appreciate prayer to be able to complete a
lot of writings that I have started, but have not been able to finish, because
of so many other demands upon my time. Remember to prayer for our staff, also.
Thank you so much.
I have just finished a new
Bible Answers article
entitled "What Does The
Bible Say About Euthanasia?"
My prayer is that it will help Christians understand how the Bible
views this difficult subject.
Also, here are some articles that
address other recent news topics:
Why Do Children Murder?
The War and the Military
For a full listing of topics click here:
Bible Answers
We want you
each to know how much we appreciate you visiting the BibleResources.org site. We know
that your time is a priceless commodity; however, we know the Lord is pleased
when you spend your time seeking Him and reading His Word. We have
attempted to make BibleResources.org a place that you can go and find a variety of helps
that revolve around the Bible. If you have been to the site recently you know we
are adding things as quickly as possible. Here are just a few things that
we offer on the site:
- Read the Bible in over 140 different languages
- Listen to the Bible
- Search the Bible
- Read a Scripture for the Day is right at the top of
our home page
- Read a Five Minute Daily Devotional based on the
Book of Proverbs (now completed)
- Read the Bible in a Year with our online plan
- Find Bible Answers to your questions
- Leave a Prayer Request in our Prayer Room
- Purchase Bibles, Bible Software and Bible CDs
at special discount prices
Just click to www.BibleResources.org to
easily find one of the above.

Christmas Greetings from the Millers
Dear Internet Friends,
It is that wonderful season when we will once again celebrate the birth of
a little baby named Jesus, who was born in a manger, and was destined to
change the whole world. This was no ordinary birth as it was accompanied by
many signs and wonders. Even the heavens declared that the son of God was
born, as a star shone upon the place of His birth.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince
of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)."
We are grateful that He is all these things to us. He truly has been a
mighty God to us, as this year we are celebrating our tenth year of ministry
on the Internet, through the BibleResources.org site. We never dreamed we would
ever have the opportunity to reach the world in this manner. BibleResources.org
is now receiving over 2 million hits a day which equates to over 60,000
visitor sessions a day, plus 125,000 page impressions. This would be like
giving 125,000 tracts away every day; the only difference is that we are not
handing them out to people who may not read them, as these pages are accessed
by people coming from every country in the world to read the Bible or find
something about the Bible on the site. God is using BibleResources.org to
minister to all Christian denominations and all religions including, Muslims,
Hindus and Jews. We are greatly amazed and give Him praise for such a great
outreach. We receive so many testimonies of how God has touched or changed the
lives of people who have read something on the BibleResources.org website. Here
is just one:
From D.M. : I thank God for your ministry. I
have been doing my daily devotion through your website. It is a blessing for
it has been helping me to grow & know more about God's Words. You made it so
simple that my knowledge of God and His Words became so real and applicable
to my daily life. I am always excited and can't wait every morning before I
start to work to read your daily devotion in your website. Thank you and
thank you very much. God bless you for what you're doing to glorify Him!
We wanted to share some of what God is doing on the site, not to lift us
up, but to give glory to God! The Bible says in
Psalm 105:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known
his deeds among the people.
We share these stats and this testimony with you, as many of you have
prayed with us and supported us over the years and truly, you share in this
great harvest of souls as well. Bud and I are most grateful for your love and
friendship. The older we get, the more thankful we are for our friends. We are
also thankful for our natural family, and are grateful that they all know and
love Jesus. We are especially rejoicing that our daughter, Stacy, is now
working with us in management on the business side of the ministry. This is a
double answer to our prayers, as we were praying for someone to take this
position, and we were so happy when the Lord chose Stacy to do it. It is such
a joy to work together as a family for the Lord.
This leaves Bud and I free to better take care of the ministry in Christ
Unlimited. Bud handles most of the business calls and all of the public
relations, which means he stays on the phone most of the day; while I spend a
good portion of my time writing and managing the site. I have been writing a
devotional that I post on the site daily. It is based on the book of Proverbs,
and I will complete it the last day this month. We have over 150,000 people
who are reading it monthly, and many have sent encouraging letters about it,
like the one above. Bud and I feel like the Lord is speaking to us to publish
it in a book which we will entitle, God’s Wisdom for Daily Living. This
project will probably cost $25,000.00 in order to get it into print. We would
like you to please pray with us for the funds to accomplish this. If the Lord
speaks to you to help us, we would be most grateful. We are hoping to finish
it by Easter. You may click here to
Bud and I are praising God that we are doing well physically and have been
full of energy for the task at hand. We would love to hear about you and your
family, please feel free to sign our
Guestbook. Also, come
visit the BibleResources.org site; we have lots of new things up and will have
our server move completed soon. Bud and I always like to sit down with a hot
drink by the stove, and read all of our letters and cards this time of year.
We do pray over each one we receive and we are believing you will be blessed
in wonderful ways in the New Year. We must all keep our eyes on Jesus and ask
God to help us keep our hearts pure in an age that is filled with wickedness
on every side. We must remember we are the light, and light shines in the
darkness and darkness does not overcome the light, rather we overcome the
darkness. The darkest hours in the earth will cause our light to appear that
much brighter. So let it shine!!
May you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
His Grateful Servants,
Bud and Betty Miller
Christ Unlimited Ministries
Click here to read an
article on What Does the Bible Say About Christmas?
Topics include:
The Greatest Gift
* Origin of Christmas Customs *
Keeping Christ in Christmas *
A Simple Christmas *
Christmas Giving *
Unholy Christmas Traditions *
His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller
Dear Ones,
First of all we would like to thank you for taking the time to visit BibleResources.org. We are so grateful for you, and all the wonderful people who have written to us since we launched the BibleResources.org site in 1994. Our only regret is that we are not able to respond personally to all of the mail we receive. We trust that you understand, and will receive this letter as it comes from our hearts. We have always had a burden to make the Bible freely accessible to all people. God laid out the path for us to achieve this goal via BibleResources.org on the Internet and He has been very good to us by providing guidance along the way. Some of the hundreds of e-mails that we receive have questions as to what the Bible has to say about different issues; and today, with the presidential election right around the corner, we wanted to share some things with you about politics and the Bible. Here are some of those questions and praise reports people write us about:
Only heaven will reveal the many opportunities that we had to change things for the better in this nation, yet, we failed to do so because we failed to....... Click here for more
We should expect our rulers to rule justly, with God’s wisdom! Should we vote for those who support abortion and other evils against society? Any student of history knows that through the ages the most prosperous and blessed earthly kingdoms have been those that had ....... Click here for more
You can check out the related verses by simply typing the key word "government" or "ruler" into the Bible Word Search. Just enter the word "Ruler" into the blank on the screen. Click here to do it!
Every year at this time, we get many letters from concerned parents who are concerned about allowing their children to take part in the celebrations of this holiday. We can discern the evil of this day by taking a look at the festivities that are associated with its celebration. Children are dressed as witches, goblins, ghosts, little devils and fortune tellers. All these are representatives of Satan's kingdom. Games played at carnivals promote fear in children as they are ushered through spook houses and horror rooms. Skeletons, black cats and bats represent death and darkness. Satan has gained man's approval to celebrate his day by simply......Click here for more:
Because mankind was given a free will and they could choose to obey God or do evil, we now live in an environment where evil men and good men are at war. God hates war; however,.....Click here for more
Ryan from Nevada, USA shared that he just passed a very important fitness test for the Air Force that he had been struggling with. Here's his testimony:
"Thank you God!!!!! Today I passed a very important fitness test that determined my future in the Air Force. I have struggled with this test for the last 6 months and this morning was my last chance to pass it. And by the grace of God, he gave me the strength and determination to do it. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Join with us in on-going prayer in regard to the war in Iraq.)
Pray for our military people stationed in Iraq, for Iraq's military, and the suffering people of Iraq, and for the terrorists, and especially that God would touch the hearts of the Muslim people so that they might know Jesus. We ask that all of you pray for the people of Iraq that their days of trial and tribulation will end soon and the healing process can begin. Also, pray for the safety of Iraq's Prime Minister, as he has had numerous assassination attempts on his life. We must also pray for the people of all nations who are over in the Middle East fighting against our collective enemies. Lastly we MUST pray for the terrorists, that God would soften their hearts and they would cease all the bloodshed and pain they are causing.
SPECIAL GIFT For Our Supporters -- BibleResources.org Home Bible Study Library CD ROM!
Your financial support, kindness and prayers have enabled us to touch so many lives. We need your ongoing help. To thank you, we would like to give our supporters a GIFT of a Home Bible Study Library CD Rom. We have available 350 BibleResources.org Bible Study Library CD Roms as a special gift offer for the first 350 people who donate $20 or more. This CD Rom contains many study aids.
Click here to review contents of CD Rom:
We love you all! Thank you for being part of our extended family! If you do not want the CD Rom gift, please pray about helping us right now. We are getting ready to do a server move and our operating expenses will be increasing in order to make our site more user friendly and sustain the huge amount of traffic we are experiencing (over 50 million hits a month). People are hungry for God and we want this site to be available for those seekers who have no access to a church. Many Muslims are coming to this site and are being touched by Jesus. Will you help us in this work? We thank you in advance and we know the Lord will bless you for supporting what He is doing through BibleResources.org.
Send to a Friend. Bless a friend who you think would enjoy this e-mail by forwarding him/her a copy! May the Lord bless you each.
His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller
Dear Internet Friends:
First and foremost, we want you each to know how
much we appreciate you visiting the BibleResources.org site. We know that your time is a
priceless commodity; however, we know the Lord is pleased when you spend your
time seeking Him and reading His Word. We have attempted to make BibleResources.org
a place that you can go and find a variety of helps that revolve around the
Bible. If you have been to the site recently you know we are adding things as
quickly as possible. Here are just a few things that we offer on the site:
- Read the Bible in over 140 different languages
- Listen to the Bible
- Search the Bible
- Read a Scripture for the Day right at the top of
our home page
- Read a Five Minute Daily Devotional
- Read the Bible in a year with our online plan
- Find Bible Answers to your questions
- Leave a Prayer Request in our Prayer Room
- Purchase Bibles, Bible Software and Bible CDs
- Find Christian Products in our World Christian
Personal Message from Bud and Betty Miller:
We are very glad that we know Jesus and that we
have a great big family all over the world. Each one of you are precious
to the Lord and we are grateful for your love, support and prayers. They
are making a difference here at BibleResources.org and in the world. We must
all stand together in this hour and get the gospel out, as each day the world
grows darker with so much evil and threats of terror and war all over the globe.
As an example of how God is using the BibleResources.org site to reach those that are
lost, here is a testimony comment from a Muslim who found the Lord.
Mr. HS writes: "Last August I was in
complete and utter despair, and I want to thank you for the work that you guys
have put into this website. Last August, I came to Christ after reading in
your Bible Answers section on being Born-Again. Coming from a Muslim
background, that presentation of the Gospel showed me the need for Jesus as my
Savior and Lord. God Bless You."
I have just finished a new
Bible Answers article
entitled "What Does The
Bible Say About War?" I have included a portion of it below and
you can click over to the site to read the entire article. My prayer is
that it will help Christians and our soldiers and their families to understand
how the Bible views war.
Bud and I were so happy to hear major newspapers
and talk shows discussing Jesus the last few months. After the movie, "The
Passion of The Christ," was aired, the new buzz word was "Jesus." This has
made it so much easier for Christians to be able to witness in the marketplace.
Praise God that Mel Gibson made this movie. We have a bulletin board on the site
that you can go and read the many comments of how the movie impacted their
lives. Click here:
The Passion of The Christ Movie Page
We appreciate all those who are partnering with
us to help us keep this site going. We really need your ongoing help as it keeps
Bud and I going too. Our greatest need at this time is finances to hire the
necessary staff to do a better job in the ministry. Bud and I fill in the gaps
by wearing numerous hats. Bud has a telephone ministry, (at least it seems that
way), as he is on the phone much of the day. He manages the business end of the
ministry. I write the devotionals, articles, answer as much mail as possible and
stay on the computer much of the day (and night). Together, we manage the
office, the computer projects, the ministry needs, etc. My heart really desires
more time to pray and write. I have numerous articles that are incomplete that
need to be posted on the site, so pray that I can get these done. Please pray
for all of our staff to have God's strength, health, wisdom and love to accomplish all that He calls
us to do. Also, if the Lord speaks to your heart we would appreciate your
financial help. We are offering a new music CD this month by Danny
Daniels called "Northern Light" for those who give at least $20.00 or you
can choose a different music CD or a CD Rom of the Ultimate Bible if you prefer.
Click here to help with a donation.
We are also excited to launch our new
Christian World Marketplace Advertising Directory. We have had many
requests over the last 10 years from Christian business people who have wanted
to advertise on our site. Up until this time we just have not felt led of
the Lord to make this available on a large scale as our primary call is to get
the Bible message out and to make the Bible available to as many people as
possible. However, we are working with a group of business men that are
helping us in this project now. If you have a product or service that
meets our criteria and desire more information please e-mail us and include your
phone number and we will contact you about our advertising rates. E-mail
us at: marketplace@BibleResources.org You
may also click here to go to our Christian World
Marketplace link. The Christian World Marketplace is designed to
be a Faith Friendly Website.
We would ask you to continue to pray for us as
the pace has picked up now and we have been doing more traveling on top of the
other things on our plate. We are so thankful to God for His promise of strength
and health. We both work a full day, plus some, and are thankful for the
strength and health He gives us. We have had our share of battles with
afflictions, but the Lord has delivered us out of them all. We appreciate
your agreement with us as we continue in His work, as we are in our Golden
Years. We have listed below what the Lord has promised us and all who trust in
Psalm 92:12-14:
12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a
cedar in Lebanon.
13 Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts
of our God.
14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and
Psalm 34:19:
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of
them all.
Psalm 91:15-16:
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him, and honour him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.
Psalm 92:1-2:
1 A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks
unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
2 To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every
May you each be blessed with long life too and
may the Lord protect you and give you peace and joy this day!
His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller
Dear Internet Friends:
We are now well into the first quarter of the New Year and the Lord is already moving in
unusual ways in our lives and the ministry. He has brought about some
wonderful new relationships for which we are grateful. God has joined us
with some great people who are in harmony with us to help us get the gospel
out via the Internet. In praying about direction for the New Year, the Lord spoke several things about what is in store for the year of 2004 and what we should be doing as Christians.
I have felt for over 20 years that the year 2004 would be very significant for the body of Christ. I do not know all the Lord is going to do, but we need to be expecting great things to happen for the advancement of the kingdom of God!
Every Christian must get involved and fulfill the part that they have been
called to do! It is time for "all hands on deck." The training time is
over, we must now be positioned exactly in the will of God. There is
only one safe place in these perilous times and that is in the center of God's
will and following His leading. We cannot do this unless we walk in the
spirit and hear the voice of God. We can only do that if we do certain
basic things.
I felt the Lord impressed upon me what His people needed to do this coming year. I received the words - "Get back to the basics." That might sound rather simplified, but we could all benefit by getting back to the basics of a strong prayer life, time spent in studying the Bible, and time spent in strengthening our relationships with one another,
simplifying our life styles, etc. We must concentrate on getting our houses in
order, financially, spiritually, etc. This is the time to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.
The Bible is clear about the conditions at the
time of His coming. We are living in it, and all that has been
prophesied in the Bible is coming and will come to pass.
That means that GREAT TRIBULATION is on the way according to
Matthew 24:21-22: "For then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should
no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
This means we must pray and stand strong in
faith at this hour and not allow the enemy to destroy our lives, our homes,
our schools, our churches, our businesses, and our nation! There will be much
destruction around us, but it does not have to overcome us, if we repent of
our sins and walk in faith. God does not want to see evil destroy us,
but He will not prevent it, as we, His people, have been given that task.
We must repent, pray, fast, obey and follow the Lord if we want to be spared
judgment. We must actively resist the devil and his works. We must strive for
unity in the body of Christ. We must pray for our nation as never before, as
judgment hangs over this land because of the immorality, abortion,
pornography, lust, greed, materialism and a host of other sins. Pray that God
saves America! Pray for all nations of the world to receive the gospel. Be the
light in the land where you are planted.
2004 will be a significant year for the
church. What will it hold? Is this the year the great revival and
harvest time for the church will unfold? Will greater judgments jolt the
church into action? Will it be the beginning of the Great Tribulation?
Only God knows the answers, but we, as His children can sense and know that
something big is going to happen soon, because we have His Spirit in us.
The Lord gave me a prophetic vision two years
ago about the end times and how the only safety would be found in Jesus.
It is entitled "Heading For A Safe Harbor." Click below to read it and may you
find comfort and guidance for the days ahead.
Read the Prophetic Vision, Heading For A Safe Harbor
We do appreciate all who have written to us or visited the BibleResources.org site. We also
are grateful for each one of you who have donated to our ministry on the
Internet. We continue to need the support of your prayers, as well as your financial support. As we all stand together, we can see the Lord move in the world in greater ways.
If you are unable to support us
financially, you can help in other ways and become one of our partners.
Our greatest need is people who will pray for us. The prayer support
will help bring in the finances that we need. At the present we need
funds to hire more staff. We only have six people on staff and some of
these are part time. Without the Lord's help it would be overwhelming
for us. Will you pray and ask the Lord if you are to help us? We appreciate
all those who have helped make our load lighter. Thank you and God bless you
back in the form of your need.
Click here to DONATE
Click here to become a PARTNER
We know you have probably heard about Mel Gibson's "The Passion of The Christ" movie by now, but wanted to send a reminder to encourage you to attend it. It is coming to theaters this week (February 25th). We have recently updated the information about the movie on our site. We also have posted our response to the movie when we saw it last Fall. You can click here to VIEW THE PASSION MOVIE TRAILER.
We also want you to know about the new additions to the site. We now have a Bible Plan for Reading
Through the Bible in A Year. It is available in Spanish, as well as English. You have the choice of reading in the King James Version, NIV or Amplified version. Click here to start the DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN.
We continue to receive a lot of positive feedback in regard to the Daily Devotional from the Book of Proverbs. This devotional takes only 5 minutes to read and will strengthen you in your daily walk with the Lord.
In addition, we also have available a Scripture Devotional as well. Click here to view the DAILY DEVOTIONAL PAGE.
We are planning on posting several new Bible Answers this month. Among these are:
What Does the Bible Say About:
- The Blood of Jesus
- Who Crucified Christ
- The Trinity
- Dinosaurs
- Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
Currently there are approximately 100 different topics that may help you. Check these out by clicking BIBLE ANSWERS.
Please pray for us as we are in the process of upgrading the site and moving to new servers. We are
extremely grateful for the help of a company who is doing this for us. It is long past due. Technicians who have seen our present infrastructure testify that it is a miracle of God
that our site is even up and running. The 50 million plus hits that we receive each month,
make the current infrastructure, in the natural, completely inadequate for
this amount of traffic. Truly the Lord has been with us to watch over this
site since we have been operating on desk top workstations. The Lord has now
provided professional rack servers so we know that this will help our site to
function in a more user friendly fashion. Thank you for your prayers as they
helped make this possible.
We want to close by thanking each of you who have stood with us over the last year. It was not and easy year, but God was with us and we can declare His faithfulness and love that continues to prevail over anything the enemy brings our way. GOD IS GOOD! We are praying that each of you will find the Lord's grace and mercy over your lives as He directs you into His perfect will! We pray our site will be a resource for you to grow in the Word of God and become an overcomer in Christ Jesus! Be blessed!
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Love in Christ,
Bud and Betty Miller
P.O. Box 850
Dewey, AZ 86327
Dear Internet Friends:
We know that everyone is very busy this time of the year, so we will be brief in sharing our Christmas greetings. We do think that a nice tradition has evolved in a greater way over the last few years in regard to Christmas letters. It is the one of sharing the family news of what has happened over the period of the past year in the lives of family members. We are always blessed to receive those letters so that we can rejoice with all of the good things that are happening, and pray for the needs when our friends are going through trials. We are thankful that people do this for us too. We appreciate your love and support over the years and we thank you for your ongoing help and donations.
Promise of Joy and Peace in the Midst of Turmoil and Fear
Celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, brings thoughts of joy and peace. We always think of the scripture in Luke 2:10-14:
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
Jesus came to bring us peace and joy in a world that presently is filled with turmoil and fear. None of us are exempt from the tribulations of this life, but as Christians, we are thankful that we have the answer to each and every trial. The following scriptures in John 16:33 and Luke 1:74-75 assure us of victory!
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
"That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life."
Bud and I have gone through many trials this last year with some health issues, financial issues, and relationship issues, but the Lord has delivered us out of them all! Praise God! The trials that have come our way pale in comparison to the joy that we have experienced in seeing the great things He has chosen to do through the ministry of Christ Unlimited. He receives all the glory!
Site Keeps Growing
We stand amazed at how the Internet ministry keeps growing daily. We are presently receiving over 50 million hits a month at the BibleResources.org site from all over the world. Our visitors can view the Bible in over 140 different languages, listen to the Bible, do a word search in the Bible, post their prayer requests in our Online Prayer Room, read a Daily Devotional, go to the Youth page, find Bible Answers and much more. We feel called to minister to the entire body of Christ; therefore, our site crosses all denominational lines. We have an enormous amount of e-mail with testimonies from around the world as to how the site has helped and blessed them. We are hearing from Hindus, Muslims and Jews that have received the Lord into their hearts after reading something on the site. We give God the praise for all that He is doing! Please visit the BibleResources.org site as we have lots of new additions to help in your Christian walk.
Mel Gibson's Movie - The Passion of The Christ
A highlight for us this year was being invited to a private screening of Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of The Christ, that will be released to the public February 25, 2004. Mel Gibson produced and directed this movie that chronicles the last 12 hours of Christ's life leading up to the cross and concludes as the risen Lord at the tomb. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding it and after viewing it, we understand why. This movie vividly portrays the agony and suffering that our Lord endured on behalf of all sinners and clearly depicts the message of the cross. The devil does not want this message out. Viewing this movie was an experience that neither of us will forget. For more information about the movie visit our site at www.BibleResources.org.
BibleResources.org Staff
We also send greetings from our full time staff. We are very blessed to have such dedicated workers. Even though the workload has been great, they have not complained. We were also blessed to have a young man helping the past six months in the technical department. Although we don't have a picture of Alan Proctor, we are grateful for his help also. He just came on a short term internship, and will be leaving us at the end of year. We will miss him.
Please pray for all of our staff. They serve as follows: Joshua Mitchell is our office and online bookstore manager. Heather Mitchell, his wife, served as our bookkeeper over the last year. However she is changing jobs, as she just had a new baby, Ashton, and she plans to stay home now as mother and housewife. Tanya Muse is our Prayer Minister and coordinates the prayer projects and oversees the online Prayer Room. We also have several part time workers and thank the Lord for their help also. We do not have pictures, but thanks to: Emily Biesecker, Judy Kerber, Reuben Schaffer, Claire Sickler and Bob Daniel.
Once again thank you for your prayers, support and love. May you be blessed greatly this Christmas season, and in the New Year find the center of His will in all your pursue as there is safety, provision, and contentment in His will.
May you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
In His Service,
Bud and Betty Miller and the BibleResources.org Staff
Links To Help BibleResources.org:
(We appreciate your help so much.Your offerings will be used to continue this work on
the Internet. May the Lord bless you back in the form of your need. )
(Thank you for praying for us daily. It means so much to us. We can tell the
difference when people pray. It makes our labor for the Lord easier)
(If you are interested in any of the writings by Betty Miller, you may purchase her
books online, plus many other excellent books and music to help you in your Christian