Golden Calf Is Coming Down
Excerpts from an article by David Wilkerson
". . .Beloved, America is facing God's judgment--and we will never be
the same! In the days to come, literally hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose
their homes. Why? They've leveraged them with equity loans, so they could play the
stock market and try to strike it rich!
I tell you, the stock market has become America's golden calf! People see it as a
financial savior, and they worship it daily--trusting in it, depending on it, giving it
all their energy and attention. But it's going to fall suddenly--and none of the
small, individual investors will be spared. They'll suffer the most, losing their homes,
their cars--everything!
I must ask you: "Are you prepared for what is coming? If not, are you acting
now to get ready? When I speak of being ready, where do your thoughts take you? Do you
think immediately of investments, bank accounts, survival plans, safety for your
Yet, I believe it is much more important today for American Christians to focus on
spiritual preparation--before the coming storm hits. Let me tell you why.
I believe that when the coming storm hits with full fury, and the nation is reeling with
panic and fear, people will flee all false gospels and feel-good churches. Christians will
forget about gospel entertainment and Christian TV, and they'll start demanding hard
truth. They'll flock to hear godly pastors, demanding the true Word of God. Their cry will
be, "Who will preach to us a prophetic, life-changing word?"
Sadly, many charismatic Christians today talk much about being Spirit-filled--but they are
totally bankrupt of truth. They're not intimate with Christ--and so they don't know how to
draw on His strength in truth. They don't tremble at the truth of His Word. They don't
know how to walk in His resurrection power or live wholly dependent on Him. Instead, they
twist, manipulate, and misinterpret His Word to accommodate their flesh.
Many pastors and evangelists today have no interest in seeking the Spirit of truth. They
think they can call on the Holy Ghost at any time to come down and sweep away all the
powers of hell. But these people won't be prepared for the dark times that are coming?
The only manifestations we'll see when the storm hits will be men and women falling to
their knees in awe and fear of God. They'll be slain by the piercing, convicting,
soul-cleansing preaching that comes from the Spirit of truth.
Indeed, today--while most of America focuses on its prosperity--God is waking a holy
remnant in the church. These saints are on their faces, seeking Him with all their
strength and crying out for a true Word from the Spirit of truth.
In recent months, our ministry has received hundreds of letters from pastors and believers
who are repulsed by most of what they see in the church: hype, foolishness, entertainment,
shallow preaching. They're crying out, "Enough! We're tired of seeing our pastors go
to conventions and return only to introduce come new gimmick. We're sick of seeing the
flesh accommodated. We're hungry for truth! We want to hear preaching that convicts us and
challenges us to holiness and prayer."
Believer, you can rest assured--in the coming days of calamity, the true revival won't
come through showboating, big-time preachers or TV evangelists. It won't come through
prosperity teachings or other doctrines of false security. No--God's revival will come
through a hidden company of pastors and lay people who have been in the school of Christ,
learning His ways and trusting in Him. These will lead a revival of truth!
Yet not everyone is going to want truth. Many will turn to unbridled lust. Indeed, our
society could see Sodom replayed a hundred times over. But, as our nation poises on the
brink of chaos, many Americans will begin to seek truth, answers, life.
As for me, I want to face the coming times as " . . . a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth" II Timothy 2:15
I urge you: Ask the Lord to prepare you--His way--for the day "America's golden
calf" comes down. Seek His Spirit of truth in your secret closet. Learn to recognize
His voice above all the worldly clamor going on in His church. Then you'll truly be
prepared to face the coming storm.
David Wilkerson is founder of Teen Challenge, Inc., the
worldwide Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry. He is the author of The
Cross and the Switchblade, The Vision, Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?,
Hungry for More of Jesus, Revival on Broadway and many other books. David
and his wife, Gwen, live in New York City, where he serves as senior pastor of Times
Square Church.
The book, America's Last Call, is available in paperback
priced at $8.00 in our Chapel Bookstore catalog.
America' Last Call
"On the Brink of A Financial Holocaust"
By David Wilkerson
Note: We are sharing this book review due to the importance of
its message to the U.S.A.
David Wilkerson's latest book is a warning to America that this nation
rests on the brink of a financial holocaust. Brother David, as a "watchman on the
wall," gives a prophetic warning to our country. His cry is based, not on any
personal prophetic revelation, but rather on a sound scriptural basis as to how God has
dealt with sinful and wicked nations in the past. This book states that although America
is facing judgment for her many sins and abominations; as Christians, we can rejoice in
God's promises of faithfulness to His people in trying times. There is still time to
prepare for the days ahead and this book will help all that are willing to seek God's will
in the hour of national judgment.
A cartoon appeared in a New York City newspaper picturing the Titanic leaving
port. The ship was renamed The U.S. Economy. The caption above it read: "not
even God can sink this ship!" Since we all live in this nation we are all on this
"ship." However, if you are a Christian there is a place of safety that is made
available to all who will seek God for it. The Bible says in John 6:33,
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
A quote from this book says, "America is receiving her last call to
repent! The American dream is going to turn into the American nightmare. It will occur
suddenly -- without warning -- and no one will be able to explain how or why it happened.
There will be sellers only -- no buyers. A majority of Americans have concluded, 'Morals
do not count. Let our leaders do as they please; just give us a booming economy. Let the
good times roll. All that matters is prosperity!' God is about to crush this abominable
American mindset."
This book will leave you with a burden for our nation and a desire to pray
for repentance as the author discusses why these things are going to happen. Many people
who have already read about his warnings are worried about their financial future. They
are asking questions such as:
* Where can I put my money?
* What investments will be safe during the dark times ahead?
* Will there be any protective havens for my savings?
* And what about my Social Security and my retirement funds?
* What's God saying about debt and mortgages?
* Will I lose my house in the coming holocaust?
* What will I do if I lose my job and can't find employment?
* How will I be able to support my family?
* Should I store up food?
* How can I prepare for this awful event?
* If this warning is true, where can I turn for some answers?
The last chapter gives the answer and the secret to surviving the coming
crash. I highly recommend all Christians to read this book so they will not be caught
unaware. --- Betty Miller
David Wilkerson is founder of Teen Challenge, Inc., the
worldwide Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry. He is the author of The
Cross and the Switchblade, The Vision, Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?,
Hungry for More of Jesus, Revival on Broadway and many other books. David
and his wife, Gwen, live in New York City, where he serves as senior pastor of Times
Square Church.
The book, America's Last Call, is available in paperback
priced at $8.00 in our Chapel Bookstore catalog.